It’s estimated that in 2013 people worldwide will download an astonishing 56 billion apps. No surprise then that last year in the US, according to Nielsen, the average smartphone user had 41 apps on their device. The facts speak for themselves. We’re addicted to apps.
I will survive
But suspend your disbelief for a second and imagine you’re on a Survivor-like reality TV show. The challenge is simple: You need to pass time safely while waiting for rescue. You have a Nokia Lumia 1020 and can download just five of the 150 000 Windows Phone apps available in the Windows Phone Store. Question is, what will they be and why?
This is what we’ll be asking Nokia Lumia lovers the world over in our new series, Survive with Five. First up for the challenge is world traveller, mobile photographer, author and founder of the Nothing but a Nokia Facebook group, Patrick Walsh. Over to you, Patrick.
But suspend your disbelief for a second and imagine you’re on a Survivor-like reality TV show. The challenge is simple: You need to pass time safely while waiting for rescue. You have a Nokia Lumia 1020 and can download just five of the 150 000 Windows Phone apps available in the Windows Phone Store. Question is, what will they be and why?
This is what we’ll be asking Nokia Lumia lovers the world over in our new series, Survive with Five. First up for the challenge is world traveller, mobile photographer, author and founder of the Nothing but a Nokia Facebook group, Patrick Walsh. Over to you, Patrick.
Patrick’s strategy
I am the kind of guy that would actually like to be stranded on a desert island for a while, so that I could test myself whilst trying to enjoy the experience as much as possible as I explore the island taking photos. So, the five apps I would make sure to have on my Nokia Lumia 1020 are as follows:
I am the kind of guy that would actually like to be stranded on a desert island for a while, so that I could test myself whilst trying to enjoy the experience as much as possible as I explore the island taking photos. So, the five apps I would make sure to have on my Nokia Lumia 1020 are as follows:
Nokia Music
I love music. I love to sing out loud. I love to dance. If I was stranded on a desert island then you can be absolutely sure that I would do a lot of singing out loud and dancing on the sand as the sun set and the moon rose. In my opinion, nothing provides access to the best selection of music like Nokia Music. Easily the first app on my list.
I love music. I love to sing out loud. I love to dance. If I was stranded on a desert island then you can be absolutely sure that I would do a lot of singing out loud and dancing on the sand as the sun set and the moon rose. In my opinion, nothing provides access to the best selection of music like Nokia Music. Easily the first app on my list.

I have a great relationship with all the members of my ‘Nothing but a Nokia’ Facebook group to the extent that I like to check in and see the fantastic images that everyone is posting as much as possible. The group is like one big family that has been brought together through a love of Nokia, ‘phoneography’ and travel. It is only through the facebook app that I would be able to share the images of my desert island, so this would be a must.
I have a great relationship with all the members of my ‘Nothing but a Nokia’ Facebook group to the extent that I like to check in and see the fantastic images that everyone is posting as much as possible. The group is like one big family that has been brought together through a love of Nokia, ‘phoneography’ and travel. It is only through the facebook app that I would be able to share the images of my desert island, so this would be a must.

Sky News
When not being inspired by all the great images posted on the Facebook group, it would be nice to keep up to date with what is going on outside of my wonderful desert island. In particular, I would want to keep with how Manchester United are doing and the football results in England, generally. Focus on the important things, y’know?
When not being inspired by all the great images posted on the Facebook group, it would be nice to keep up to date with what is going on outside of my wonderful desert island. In particular, I would want to keep with how Manchester United are doing and the football results in England, generally. Focus on the important things, y’know?

Remember Tetris? Then welcome to Sketris. It is Tetris, sketched out. What is there not to like about that. It is my new favourite game and it would be perfect for playing under a palm tree on a desert island. Get it. Play it. Love it!
Remember Tetris? Then welcome to Sketris. It is Tetris, sketched out. What is there not to like about that. It is my new favourite game and it would be perfect for playing under a palm tree on a desert island. Get it. Play it. Love it!

Survival Manual
This app puts the entire U.S. Army survival guide on your phone and it can be used offline. It covers everything from tying knots to identifying cloud types. This is my ‘just-in-case’ app. It could come in handy.
This app puts the entire U.S. Army survival guide on your phone and it can be used offline. It covers everything from tying knots to identifying cloud types. This is my ‘just-in-case’ app. It could come in handy.

A fantastic combination of the practical and the entertaining, but would these be on your Survive with Five list? Let us know, via a message in a bottle if necessary, in the comments below.
Image credit: Awaywiththepixies
Image credit: Awaywiththepixies
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